UCWL - Ultra Critical Water Loop
Experimental pressure-water loop with ultra-critical water parameters.
This device simulates the physico-chemical environment of ultracritical and supercritical waters of conventional power plants.
The ultracritical area of water is about 700 °C.
Input parameters: temperature 390 °C and pressure 25 MPa
THE UCWL TASK The loop will examine the properties of construction materials, fittings, seals, thermal insulation, measuring sensors in ultra-critical water.
The loop can be deployed on various research projects of the future - the ability to connect different experimental modules to the existing loop.
SYSTEM DESCRIPTION The UCWL experimental loop consists of the following technology systems: - Test module - Regenerative heat exchanger - Electric heater - System of measurement and sampling - Cooling system at the UCWL loop output
OPERATION OF UCWL UCWL loop continues to loop SCWL. Normal operation of loop - keeping the loop on the nominal parameters. Parameters of the medium coming from the SCWL loop - the nominal temperature of 390 °C and the nominal water flow rate of 200 kg/h are controlled by controlling the output of the electric heater. In normal mode, an air cooler, which controls the outlet temperature of the medium from the UCWL loop to the nominal temperature behind the cooler, is in operation. The media flow is regulated in the loop of the SCWL loop.
SAFETY LIMITS Maximum media pressure in the UCWL loop circuit 32 MPa Maximum media temperature inside the UCWL loop circuit 715 °C