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Combined dryer - Kokava nad Rimavicou (Slovakia)

Dryer of wood chips and sawdust in stainless finish

Last year, we have manufactured, supplied and put into operation a combined dryer, type BS-60/2.

Dryer is in stainless finish and it is possible to dry both chips and sawdust.

Dryer is tailored as a two-storey, wet material hopper and dry material outlet are on the same side of dryer. Drying medium is a 90/70 °C heating water.

Dryer´s output is 1 t of dry material/h at an inlet moisture of 50% and outlet of 15%. Drying material height is 0,3 m.

This dryer dry over 8500 tons of material per year (8300 operating hours).

Drying output of this combined dryer is increased by 20%, compared to the requirement for wood chips drying, to be sufficient also for the occasional drying of sawdust.

Whole device is unattended controlled by the control system and the operation of the whole line is monitored by appropriate sensors and limit detectors.



Created: 31. 10. 2018
Last update: 2. 4. 2019 08:50
Author: Správce Webu